What you need to know about ‘Transformative Travel’

The story of Street Wisdom’s success captures for me the challenge and opportunity for tourism seeking to become truly transformative. It is not about looking to design products that enable travellers to see even more beautiful, remote, pristine spaces. Nor is it about creating those that provide access to distant peoples and their cultures. It is about finding ways of opening people up and helping them shift their perspectives so they can see the world – all of it, even if it is just the street round the corner from their flat, to be beautiful, unusual, and meriting of curiosity and care.

Street Wisdom: like a first class degree from Cambridge….

We were lucky enough to have David Pearl take us on a mind-bending trip into our own consciousness this week. The effects we felt both during, and after, our day with David were both mesmerizing and tangible. But what really interested me, was that what we had experienced in a couple of hours, equalled a semester of studying identity theory at University.

Becoming Street Wise

There were four of us, all at different stages of PhD research, embarking on the second ever Street Wisdom event to be held in Australia. Street Wisdom is a learning technology for anyone who has questions about work and/or life and wants some fresh answers. As Street Wisdom says, “It is an enjoyable, powerful and free way to use the streets to find something new.” This Street Wisdom event was run through the SOAR Centre, which provides support, opportunities, advice and resources for graduate research students and staff, at Edith Cowan University, in Perth, Western Australia, and I was to be Perth’s first ever Street Leader!