Try our new Climate Walk

By Street Wisdom

In a new series of Walks for you to try out by yourself using our audio guides, we continue with Climate. Plug in your earphones, pop your shoes on, and head out to the streets!

When might you want to go on a Climate Walk?

We can often feel more overwhelmed than motivated when it comes to the climate crisis, especially regarding what we can do to mitigate it on a personal or social level. But the truth is – we need to stay tuned in and ready to act, across all the different kinds of action. There’s also a gargantuan job for the imagination here! There are all kinds of things as yet unimagined that need to happen to make sure we keep temperature rises lower than 1.5 degrees by 2050. For anyone who wants to use their imagination and navigation system (your body!) to find #BetterWays to mitigate the climate crisis, this Walk is for you!

What do you need to go on this Walk?

Yourself, of course. (All of those bits of you, no hiding now.) A little bit of time, 45 minutes is great, give yourself an hour if you can. Shoes and weather-proof clothing are useful. And a phone with headphones so you can listen to our audio guides.

OK, let’s go!

And just to say: firstly – thanks for being here. It means you’re doing something for yourself, about yourself, but also about the world around you, which might make all the difference. Secondly, and more practically, you’re going to do three short Tune Ups to get your amazing navigation system (your body!) into a good place for your Quest, each of about ten minutes. Then you’re going to go on a Quest of about fifteen minutes (longer if you have more time) focused on Climate. Right, let’s do this.


Tune Up One: Let’s Get Curious

About 10 mins.

The first Tune Up is all about tuning in to the world around us and getting curious.

Click play and start wandering now.

Tune Up Two: Take Your Time

About 10 mins.

The second Tune Up is about slowing down and making more time, to allow more space between the gaps so to speak.

Click play and start wandering (more slowly!) now.

Tune Up Three: Lighting Up Life

About 10 mins.

The third Tune Up is about sensing the beauty all around you. It really is a beautiful wake-up call. Don’t miss a thing!

Click play and start wandering beautifully now.

The Quest: Climate

About 15 mins (or longer if you like).

Now you’re all tuned up, your navigation system (aka your body, your mind, your heart, your DNA, your footprint, your imagination, all your senses including your wonderful sense of self) can go on your Climate Quest.

Click play and consider using some of these quests below as prompts for your own Climate enquiry

  • Streets, show me options for how I can better do my bit for the climate
  • How can I make today an unusually imaginative day?
  • How can I appreciate the world around me more?
  • Dear streets, give me some ideas for how I can make my work more climate-related
  • Hello world, show me what I’ve been missing
  • How can [insert your name] keep hopeful during the climate crisis?

Oh, the advanced version?

Ask a friendly-looking stranger your question. Answers are everywhere, and teachers are everywhere too.

If you’ve found this Climate Walk useful

…and we hope you have, then share it with a friend or member of your family. It’s free, after all, and showing them you care really could make all the difference.

If you can, tell us how you found it, email us at [email protected]. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Happy wandering!



Inspired? Fancy some more Street Wisdom? Join a Walkshop near you, or head out for your own wander right now with our Tune Ups. Buy your own copy of Wanderful, all profits go back into Street Wisdom to help keep it free. Share your insights and follow us @StreetWisdom_

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