What’s the meaning of life? Revealed!

By Street Wisdom

During a Street Wisdom Walkshop, we get people to tune in to the environment around them and then ask the streets a question. Something live for them, something juicy, something with legs.

We often say: it’s not a question as big as What’s the meaning of life? But it’s also not as small as What’s for lunch? (Although that is a very important question, can we just say.)

It’s somewhere in between.

But now we look at that bigger question – What’s the meaning of life? – it makes us realise something.

In a way, like all good things, the answer has been staring right at us in the question. It was hiding in plain sight.

Drum roll, please, we’re about to reveal the answer to life’s biggest ever question! [Drums roll]

The meaning of life is… to find meaning!

And that’s exactly what Street Wisdom is all about: mindful meaning making.

That’s literally what we do every day at Street Wisdom, and on our Walkshops in person and online every week. We get people to slow down, feel their bodies, look out with fresh eyes and find meaning all around them.

That’s why it’s fantastic the UK Values Alliance, for example, are leading a Values Walk, inspired by the Street Wisdom practice. Because the streets and the wider world around us are a great place to explore our values, what really matters to us, to find our meaning.

It’s why we say #answersareeverywhere – because they are. Just like meaning is everywhere.

If we dare to look.



Inspired? Fancy some more Street Wisdom? Join a Walkshop near you, or head out for your own wander right now with our Tune Ups. Buy your own copy of Wanderful, all profits go back into Street Wisdom to help keep it free. Share your insights and follow us @StreetWisdom_