Southbank and summer rain

I had three brave souls come out on a Thursday night after work to wander the streets of Southbank. The rain was heavy, large drops soaking through passer-bys. My three wanderers turned up, umbrellas ready to get their instructions and tune in. We waited 10 minutes for any late comers and as I gave my wanderers their first task, the rain clouds cleared, making way for a glimmer of sun. Each of the wanderers went about their tasks with a readiness and openness to tune in. I smiled as I watched their faces open with wonder as they tuned in through each task.

No rain and 2 hours later, we met to discuss learnings and the what happened moments. Each of the wanderers gained answers to their questions, some had looked in to find the answers. The time giving them the knowledge they already had inside. Others, found answers in places they had already been, the familiarity of ‘I’m doing ok.’ Another found the answer to their question, was to speak about what their question was to loved ones. And another discovered the answer lay amongst the people she already had around her.

All agreed it was being given permission to take the time to wander and find answers that gave them the clarity they needed.

by Melanie Charles