It’s all about LOVE

This was a very special Street Wisdom. First of all, the event sold out very quickly: 22 people signed up. My intuition had already told me I would have a bunch of people, but didn’t think this many, this was very new to me. I had also sensed something would happen, so I was kind of calmly alert. It was the first time I was facilitating in this location, so I put a lot of care preparing myself as well as the logistics. I ventured to the meeting point way in advance to check the café where we would hold the sharing. It was taken. I had chosen a B plan for the café which didn’t work either, so I found a third option and I prayed for it to work.

The participants arrived on time and we had a beautiful start. It was freezing cold. The participants noticed me shivering and offered me extra jumpers, a scarf, a warm drink, hugs… It felt more of a family rather than people that I had just met. It was very comforting.

Insights, smiles, connections, coincidences, surprises…the time for sharing arrived.

The plan C café I had chosen required people to have lunch, which didn’t suit us. We needed a new venue and participants were already coming back after wandering around in the cold. One side of me felt really disappointed with myself. After all my preparation and care, I was not providing the experience I wanted to provide. The other side of me was trying to calm down by realising unpredictability is a big part of Street Wisdom and part of the experience, for me as a facilitator and for the participants. Improvisation time! I already had checked other cafés in the area and they were too small for such a big group. I really had no idea where to go. Then, one of the participants suggested a café nearby, on a street I hadn’t considered. We all headed there and it turned out to be the perfect location for sharing: lots of space, quiet and even good quality drinks. Exactly what I longed for.

When reflecting on my role as facilitator, I realized that my responsibility has limits. I can provide the right conditions for participants to have a great experience: hold the space, provoke their thinking, support their emotional outbursts… but ultimately, the person responsible for their experience is themselves. That’s the beauty of Street Wisdom, we all go through the same process and each of us gets something different. When having to find a new venue for the sharing, the suggestion came from a participant and everyone took it on board. The solution came from the group, for the group. The group knows what it needs and where to find it.

I felt the power of the community: shared responsibility, shared care and therefore shared facilitation. I learned that when facilitating, once I set the guidelines for the experience, I can trust that the group will take care of itself, it will autoregulate. The challenge is to make sure I am providing those guidelines in an authentic way and I don’t interfere with what wants to happen, so that the group senses its ownership, takes the lead and acts accordingly. This is what enhances an experience.

I left the event with a feeling of relief and satisfaction. I felt that all my preparation and my care was rewarded with, what turned out to be, a beautiful shared experience. I felt beloved.

Written by Inés Alonso

Photo by Jean Sangale

Respuestas encriptadas

Comencé mi preparación para facilitar Street Wisdom en Bilbao con un helado para activar mi sentido del gusto, sentido al que no le suelo prestar la atención que merece. El helado no sólo activó mi sentido del gusto, sino también la vista a través de los colores, el tacto frío, la textura y el olfato a través del sabor. Una experiencia sensual mientras esperaba a los participantes.

Como facilitadora, siempre trato de hacer un mini Street Wisdom a la vez que los participantes. Esta vez en lugar de hacer mini paseos, decidí prestar atención desde un punto fijo. Me sorprendió la cantidad de estímulos que sin moverme pude percibir. En especial las conversaciones, y cómo esas palabras me hablaban a mí.
Las respuestas llegaron encriptadas, tanto para mí como para los participantes: “Lánzate a la calle”, “Fluye”, “El secreto de las mujeres”. Sabemos que esas son las respuestas a nuestras preguntas, aunque ahora mismo no podamos descifrar exactamente su significado. Todo lo que podemos hacer es intuir un posible significado de acuerdo a nuestras circunstancias en este momento, y seguir abiertos confiando que en un futuro tendrá todo el sentido.

I started my preparation to facilitate Street Wisdom in Bilbao with an ice cream to activate my sense of taste, which I don’t usually pay the attention it deserves. The ice cream not only activated my sense of taste, but also sight through the colours, the cold touch, the texture and the smell through the flavor. An experience for all the senses whilst waiting for participants.

 As a facilitator, I always try to carry out my own mini Street Wisdom at the same time as the participants. This time instead of doing short walks, I decided to pay attention from a fixed point. I was surprised by the amount of stimuli that I could perceive without moving. Especially the conversations, and how those words spoke to me.

 The answers came encrypted, both for me and for the participants: “Throw yourself into the street”, “Flow”, “Women’s secret”. We know that these are the answers to our questions, even though we can’t exactly decipher their meaning right now. All we can do is attempt a possible meaning according to our circumstances at this time, and remain open. Trusting that, in the future, it will make perfect sense.

 by Ines Alonso

Deshaciendo las barreras de la integración

Como extranjera en Londres, Street Wisdom me ha ayudado a conectar con la ciudad, a dejar de verla como un lugar extraño en el que he establecido mi residencia, y verla como parte de mi hogar. Por ello decidí que para la World Wide Wander facilitaría un Street Wisdom en Español, con la intención de que otros con dificultades de integración a causa del idioma, pudieran conectar con Londres y comenzar a sentirse parte de Londres. Cancelaciones de última hora hicieron que mi experimento terminara en un solo. Después de la consiguiente desilusión, decidí dedicar ese tiempo para mí y pregunté a las calles cómo puedo aumentar mi energía y usarla del modo más eficaz y eficiente posible. La respuesta llegó claramente, ¡divirtiéndome! como los niños de la foto.

Como dice el slogan de Street Wisdom, las respuestas están en todas partes, independientemente del idioma en el que preguntes.

As a foreigner in London, Street Wisdom has helped me to connect with the city, to stop seeing it as a strange place in which I have taken up residence, and to see it as part of my home. So I decided that for World Wide Wander I would facilitate a Street Wisdom in Spanish, with the intention that others with any language barriers could connect with London and start to feel part of the city. 

 Unfortunately, last minute cancellations meant there were no participants. After the disappointing result, I decided to dedicate that time to myself and asked the streets ‘How can I increase my energy and use it in the most efficient way possible?’ The answer came clearly: having fun! Like the children in this photo…

 As the slogan of Street Wisdom says, Answers are Everywhere, regardless of the language in which you ask.

by Ines Alonso

When does the Street Wisdom experience start?

Black Saturday afternoon. Shopping centre. A packed Bromley, with lots of people shopping all over the place, welcomed the Street Wisdom participants. Paying attention was a challenge with all the tempting items and activities going on around us. As a matter of fact, some of the participants ended up shopping, or checking the shops they would visit after the event, or having lunch. I usually get a bit anxious when participants don’t follow the instructions because I think they might not get any answer. This time I decided to relax and think that all those actions might be part of their Street Wisdom experience.

When sharing out insights, I found out that in fact, participants got inspiration from those interactions and even some good answers. I finished the event wondering when does the Street Wisdom experience start? At the moment of signing up? When thinking of a question?

by Inés Alonso

Street Wisdom llega a Bilbao

I’ve been living in London for almost 4 years. Each time I go back to Bilbao, my hometown, I juggle to try to meet as many of my friends and family as I can, so my “holidays” become a stressful time, full of joy though. This time I decided to organize a Street Wisdom event and invite all my friends, this way I could meet them all at once and we could catch up in a different way.

I didn’t realise I organised it on a long weekend (I had lost track of bank holidays in my hometown) and just a few of my friends were staying in the city. Anyway, it was a good opportunity for me to facilitate Street Wisdom in my hometown and in my mother language. It was very interesting to observe the cultural differences in the behaviours of the participants. The time reference is one of them, 10 minutes in London are around 15 in Bilbao or even 20 or more if, as you wander, you meet a friend you haven’t seen for a while.

What doesn’t change though is the questions posed to the streets, formulated in different ways they all come to ask: how can I do more of what I like? The insights received from the streets are also similar: have a positive attitude, an actress as a reference of self-confidence, give ourselves permission to enjoy work, find the hidden question or fear of the consequences of taking a risk.

As a facilitator, I am always amazed at how much participants reflect my own concerns and insights.
Streets always whisper the right answer if you are willing to hear it.

What you do afterwards with the answer, is what makes the real difference.

Ines Alonso