Try a new approach to problem-solving

By Rachel Crowther

Problem-solving is something we all do on a daily basis – whether it’s in the office, the supermarket or at home and it is an important skill to master. From a young age, we have to make decisions and figure out how best to make them.

So how do you tend to go about solving problems?

We often rely on someone else to help with problems. Sometimes we battle it out on our own at our desks, lying in bed at night or just carrying it on our shoulders throughout the day. But rarely do we take the time out to really weigh up different options or even try to find a new perspective.

Street Wisdom offers a different approach to problem-solving, it’s pretty simple and it can be done anytime. All you need is a street and these easy steps:

Give yourself time to slow down and reflect. Not while you’re watching the TV or commuting but take time to do nothing else but wonder and wander. Turn off your phone, book some space in your diary if necessary and get outside. It’s a worthwhile investment of your time.

Look around. Really look around, look up and take it all in. Notice the patterns, the signs, people, nature, graffiti – all the things you would normally be too distracted to see.

What’s your problem? Allowing yourself the headspace to focus on just one thing will give you clarity and open your mind to new answers. Take the time to think about different perspectives and allow the streets to inspire the answers.

Once you’ve learnt the Street Wisdom approach, you’ll find it’s a powerful tool to help overcome challenges and unlock fresh ideas. Give it a go and you’ll soon notice the results.

You can also find a list of all the upcoming guided events we have here or download our audio guide to experience the magic of Street Wisdom wherever you are.