New Leaves

By Melinda McDougall

Street Wisdom is going to be featured in an excellent new book – Creative Super Powers

It was dreamed up by Creative Social‘s Daniele Fiandaca, co-edited by Street Wisdom’s Scott Morrison and the chapter itself was written by our founder, David Pearl. Published by Unbound, the book has been entirely crowdfunded by the creatively curious and this week we offered a Street Wisdom event, led by David, to thank some of those who’ve financially backed the project.

It felt like Super Powers were at work, producing an immaculately sun-dappled Hoxton Square as our starting point – as well as a brilliantly open-hearted group of participants, all of whom have some connection with the creative industries. Lots of the questions were about ’turning over a new leaf’ and the street didn’t disappoint with insights. Here are three examples.

Q: Should I leave London or stay? A: Stay and help make London the kind of place you wouldn’t want to leave.

Q: Should I build a big business or a small, focused one? A: It’s not the size of the business, but the size of the impact that matters.

Q: How can I make my working life less stressful? A: Let the cranes do the heavy lifting – and you focus on the job of an architect.

If you were there, please add your own impressions. And keep using the streets to feed your creativity!